Dad Sees Scroll!
In which we find out how and why I’m writing any of this.
What do two loving sons give their father for his sixty-third birthday? Let’s cast aside that he already has more than anyone could rightfully expect…
Small but perfectly formed
James and Jonathan enter bearing a cushion which they offer to me. It supports a discarded sweet paper. No, wait - if that’s a sweet paper it’s been given a lot more respect than just careful placement in a bin! Celebratory drinks are still a few hours away so my fumbling fingers cope reasonably well with the challenge of freeing the tiny, tightly-rolled scroll from its presentation ribbon.
And there it is… thanks to my sons’ efforts and ingenuity I have my very own domain, funded until my next birthday! Jemma's part in this must be gratefully acknowledged here since she also contributed (The Griffiths family are strangely fond of the affricate /dʒ/ but I can assure you that James chose the love of his life for much more than her initial phoneme!)
It takes a while to realise the implications of this. I have already shocked and offended hundreds of innocent people on Facebook. Why not take on the new mantle of blogger, blagger and silly bugger until everyone begs me not to pay for renewed hosting when the year is up!
Nothing epic or biblical in the great scheme of things but I'm guessing that this has the potential to carve large chunks out of the pumpkin which time has given me.
I will, doubtless, continue to thank my sons for their super-crazy gift but I will also attempt to apologise now and again to anyone else reading this for the absurd licence they have given me.
Thanks, boys... sorry, everyone else!