Smoked Haddock, Mild Potato Curry and Poached Egg
James Martin has this recipe over at the Auntie Beeb food website but it first appears in 'Rick Stein's Fruits of the Sea'. For my instructions I rely on a 'Chef's Club' card from Tesco which I picked up about fifteen years ago.
Smoked haddock asks for a little less urgency with immediate cooking than fresh, raw fish but, as usual, the main ingredient here was bought at 'Deep-Sea' Dean's fish van only this morning before I made it tonight for the umpteenth time.
Use that recipe card picture or the online link. They give you the words to read and follow. I'll not do much else other than offer helpful photos of my own efforts to prod you in to having a go.
Mustard seeds, onion and turmeric... potatoes next... joined by tomatoes and coriander
A fairly relaxed process here. There is plenty of opportunity to let elements of this dish rest during cooking. The eggs are the only last minute thing which need cooking and serving straight away.
Haddock and eggs are treated very gently
Mustard seeds and turmeric give just the right amount of their own woody, smoky heat without overpowering the fish. You must decide how much coriander to add. I know that choice is in the realms of a 'Marmite' debate. The egg is a perfect foil to the rest. The white has a neutral, balancing, calming quality before the yolk is broken and lends a rich, luxurious coating of sauce.
This is a simple dish with all the elements of comfort food. But, as Rick Stein says, it has an underlying sophistication which adds that extra layer of enjoyment.