Cooker #3
It's F-R-I-D-A-Y!!!
I'm sorry if that doesn't signal the 'weekend' for some of you but it is a feeling well known to me from my pre-retirement existence.
There are so many positives to being in work that I won't list them here - well, a regular income and the security which that brings is the one I will reference. Having the wherewithal to enjoy family and friends within a secure financial environment is a huge privilege and I'm perfectly aware that I share this blog with much less fortunate people than me and that I can't even speak to some through these channels since the Blairite 'Computer in every home' is still not a reality.
It would be a terribly smug thing to remind you that, in retirement, I no longer have the weekend to look forward to but there it is... I've just reminded you!
That's enough of gritty realism and self-satisfied crowing! For those of you still at this assembly, may I offer this, my third musical musing, for your weekend delectation.
If the weekend is a fairly meaningless entity to you then please just allow the music to work its magic - it can do so in the depths of midweek despair, at the beginning or at the end of days, and at just about any time in between.
I also hereby give notice that these, my new 'Cooker' selections, will be shared with you each Friday for the foreseeable future. I'm giving a nod to my dimly-remembered wickedness of weekends while I can! :)
Yeah, yeah - it's a longer set this week... I did warn you! ;)